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Ph formula

PH FORMULA CC face cream, 50 ml

Šią kosmetiką galima įsigyti tik mūsų salonuose su kosmetologės konsultacija.


It is a multifunctional facial skin color correcting CC cream that instantly reduces facial skin imperfections, while the sun filters protect the skin from aging-accelerating UVA-UVB rays. The formula complements the cream with a protective film-forming polymer that ensures water resistance.

There are 3 shades in total: light, medium and dark.

Main active substances

UVA and UVB filters - daily sun protection.

Vitamin C - effectively affects skin photoaging with an additional rejuvenating effect.

Retinol - regulates cell differentiation. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, acts as a strong antioxidant.

Polymers - provide water resistance.

Without parabens


Perfect for use after dermatological, laser, IPL procedures, light and medium chemical peels. Suitable for use on all skin types. There are 3 shades in total: light, medium and dark. Apply to the skin of the face, distribute well. The pleasant texture of the cream gives an even complexion and lasts all day. For all skin types.


Puikiai tinka naudoti po dermatologinių, lazerio, IPL procedūrų, lengvų ir vidutinių cheminių pilingų poveikio. Tinka naudoti visiems odos tipams. Viso yra 3 atspalviai: šviesus, vidutinis ir tamsus. Tepti ant veido odos, gerai paskirstyti. Maloni kremo tekstūra suteikia tolygią veido spalvą ir išlieka visa dieną. Visiems odos tipams.

PH FORMULA CC face cream, 50 ml

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